enVerid is committed to improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality in buildings worldwide through its innovative, award-winning HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR®) solutions. Deployed in nearly 10 million sq ft of commercial, academic, and government buildings, enVerid’s HLR technology is ASHRAE-compliant, LEED-compliant, and eligible for utility rebates.
enVerid Sorbent Ventilation Technology® (SVT®) is the innovative technology at the core of enVerid’s flagship product, the HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR) module, an air cleaner that improves IAQ while reducing ventilation energy consumption and HVAC system first costs.
enVerid SVT is a non-toxic sorbent-based air cleaning technology designed to capture carbon dioxide, ozone, and a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including formaldehyde. When applied in combination with the ASHRAE 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP), SVT not only safely cleans indoor air but also reduces outside air requirements by as much as 80 percent. As a result, annual HVAC energy costs can be reduced by up to 40%, substantially lowering energy consumption and carbon emissions.
enVerid’s HVAC Load Reduction modules are among the only air cleaning products to have undergone independent lab testing for cleaning efficiency for all contaminants of concern using ASHRAE Standard 145.2, the Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air-Cleaning Systems. The U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) has also evaluated Sorbent Air Cleaning for HVAC Load Reduction and has found that it can reduce cooling energy use by up to 37%. Independent lab testing has also confirmed that enVerid’s sorbents produce zero byproducts.
The newest generation of enVerid’s sorbent filters last two years before replacement is required. Replacing sorbent filters is easy: watch this video to learn how.
HLR technology enables immediate capital cost savings on new HVAC systems and provides up to 40% energy savings and superior indoor air quality. Deployed in nearly 10 million sq ft of commercial, academic, and government buildings, enVerid’s HLR technology is ASHRAE-compliant, LEED-compliant, and eligible for utility rebates. Learn how the HLR system works and can benefit you.
GPS Air: Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization UVDI: Ultraviolet Disinfection Price Industries: HEPA filtration
Baltimore, Maryland
Northern Virginia
Washington, D.C.
Northern West Virginia
Southeastern Ohio
Western Maryland
Western Pennsylvania
Central Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
Tidewater, Virginia